Does Your HVAC System Need Attention?
- Can you produce Comfort Cooling on a daily basis?
- Can you produce Clean Air on a daily basis?
- Can you exhaust Stagnant Air and Odors on a daily basis?
- Are your Coils permitting proper heat transfer?
- Are your Filters being replaced when necessary?
- Are your Motors giving you Peak Performance?
- Are all Moving Parts in the system Functioning Properly?
- Can you Operate your system without too many Complaints?
- Can you Operate your system without too much Down Time?
- Has your air handling system been Cleaned in the Last Four Years? A No is a Call for Immediate Attention.
Dirt in your system can effect all of the above areas! It will increase your labor, material and energy costs, reduce the efficiency of the system and create bacteria breeding places.
Your Score
- One "NO" Answer - Cleaning Should Be Considered
- Two "NO" Answers - Cleaning Should Be Scheduled
- Three or more "NO" Answers - Cleaning Should Be Done Now